School Uniform Boys –Class Nursery to V Half sleeved shirt and Coffee colour pants. Black shoes, White Socks, School Belt & Tie Class VI and above: Half sleeved shirt and Coffee colour pant, Coffee colour jacket, Black Shoes, White Socks & School Belt. Girls – Class Nursery to V Half sleeved shirt and Coffee colour Skirt, Red Ribbon or Red Hair Band, Black Shoes, White Socks, Belt & Tie. Class VI and above Half sleeved shirt and Coffee colourpant, Coffee colour jacket, black shoes , white socks& school belt Winter Season Nursery to Class V Plane 'V 'neck maroon sweater for boys and girls. Class VI and above: Maroon Blazer P.T. Uniform Class I to VIII Boys & Girls House wise T-Shirt, blue lower, white shoes, white socks. P.T. Uniform Class IX and above: Boys & Girls House wise Tracksuits.