STUDENTS CODE OF CONDUCT 1. As I belong to this school I shall be loyal to it. It shall be my constant endeavour to Uphold the honour and the best tradition of my school. 2. I shall conduct myself with due respect to the school authorities and staff, greet them and obey their legitimate orders. 3. As cleanliness is next to Godliness, I shall be clean and take good care of my books and other belongings. I shall keep my school and its surroundings as clean as possible. 4. I shall be punctual to school. 5. I shall always be truthful, and never give or take dishonest help. 6. I shall always be ready to lend a helping hand at home to my parents, brothers and sisters, and in school to my teachers and companions. 7. I shall never use bad language but always speak politely using ‘Sorry’, ‘Thank you’, ‘Please’, ‘Pardon me’, ‘May I’, ‘Can I’ etc.. As often as I can. 8. I shall practice tolerance and brotherliness. 9. I shall not leave the class with out the teacher’s permission and the school without the Principal’s permission. 10. I know that writing or scribbling on the walls and furniture is a serious offence. So I shall refrain from it. 11. I shall work hard and study my lessons regularly with out putting off the day’s work for the next day. 12. I shall not eat or chew anything during the class. 13. I shall not take part in any political activity, or join disruptive groups, knowing fully well that my primary duty is to acquire knowledge and equip my self for my future life. 14. The medium of instruction being English, the rule of Language in the school premises is ENGLISH. PARENT – TEACHER CO- OPERATION Parent should promote wards progress in studies and thus bring out good result; Parents should make use of the opportunity to discuss the progress of their children’s regularity, punctuality and discipline Parents/ Guardians shall not go to the class rooms during the class hours nor call them out of the class. In case of any urgency they shall contact the office. Valuable suggestions of parents/guardians are welcome. But no collective petition or complaint will be entertained. The school administration will take as serious view of parents who regularly absent them selves from such meetings or show indifference towards their children’s education.